Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Improving WebCenter Performance – Part 2

If you read George’s previous post you can also improve the client side performance, this is useful if you are running a demonstration, workshop or have a controlled IT environment where you have mandate to configure the client browser environment.
This post will look at how we can improve the client side experience of the performance and also limit the computation time for certain common operations.

Login process
The login process takes in general longer time than the subsequent operations, there is several reasons for this one is the caching which George already addressed. Secondly if you have large identity store or limited response times from the directory servers you can implement caching so the ldap bind, authentication and user information retrieval impact can be reduced.

Add following lines to jps-config.xml:

   1: <serviceInstance name="idstore.ldap" provider="idstore.ldap.provider">
   2:     <property name="idstore.config.provider" value=""/>
   3:     <property name="CONNECTION_POOL_CLASS" value=""/>
   4:     <extendedProperty>
   5:       <name>user.object.classes</name>
   6:          <values>
   7:          <value>top</value>
   8:          <value>person</value>
   9:          <value>inetorgperson</value>
  10:          <value>organizationalperson</value>
  11:          <value>orcluser</value>
  12:          <value>orcluserv2</value>
  13:          <value>ctCalUser</value>
  14:        </values>
  15:   </extendedProperty>
  16: </serviceInstance>

The jps-config.xml can be found in the domain configuration where the affected managed server is running

For more information see:

Browser tuning
Many organizations are using Internet Explorer in various version, currently when Internet Explorer is installed it comes with following download concurrency support:
Version 7: Two simultaneous download threads
Version 8: Six simultaneous download threads
Considering Georges previous blog about the near 100 downloads for some page requests when caching is not present, to tune the browser can improve the perception of the performance for the user. Microsoft has released two self fixing steps that can be taken to increase the concurrency to 10.

If you want to implement the steps manually or automatic please refer to the link below, remember to use the browser version you want to target so you get the right fix.

For more information see:
If you click the “Fix it” link then it will download the registry fix and install it for you, alternatively you can use the manual procedure.

1 comment:

  1. Hi A-Team,

    We have an OVD Authenticator provider on the TOP of the providers list, and we are experiencing delayed response over the OPSS calls.

    Tried the above settings, but didn’t see any improvement.

    Please confirm: the important part of the above settings is to have connection pooling enabled is this correct?



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